Departed Port Phillip

2000 Position: 38 20.3 S 144 36.4 E Instead of a BBQ, Mark and I met at the footy for a game between Mark’s team, the Kangas (North Melbourne), and the Brisbane Lions. It was a close game for most of the match but in the last quarter, unfortunately, the visitors ran away with a decisive lead. Nonetheless it was good fun. I enjoyed catching up with Mark, my niece and nephew one more time, and I got the stove part from Mark. A highlight of the day was seeing ‘Bass Vader’ playing outside the stadium on our way home. So, at last, with the stove part in hand and the BRM in smooth running order again, we were in a position to be able to leave Port Phillip. We have a big high pressure system dominating Bass Strait until Wednesday morning when another front will pass through. Wanting to make the most of the short weather window, Kate and I cast off dock lines this morning from the Royal Brighton Yacht Club and motored for several hours to get across the huge bay and have some chance of making the Heads for slack water at 1800. This we achieved and are now sailing close hauled on the port tack against a light southerly breeze. Our destination is the north west coast of Tasmania but if we don’t make good time in the light winds we might stop at Grassy Harbour while the front passes through. It was great to catch up with Mark and family but it’s also good to be sailing again. All is well.