Arrived Sydney

Position: 33 52.28 S 151 14.0
E The SE wind eventually won the tussle as we broke clear of the convergence zone just to the north of Jervis Bay, the seas subsequently settled and we were able to enjoy a relatively relaxing sail for the remainder of the passage to Sydney, where we arrived at 2130 last night. We sailed in through the Heads under main alone, rounded Cannae Point into Quarantine Bay, the first sheltered bay one comes to in Port Jackson, handed the main and motored to a vacant public mooring. Once Sylph was secured, I turned in for a much needed uninterrupted night's sleep. Arising well refreshed, this morning I used up the rest of my eggs to make an omelette for brunch before getting under way at noon. We tacked up the harbour, trying to keep clear of all the numerous yachts out racing around the buoys, picking up a vacant mooring at my Sydney yacht club, the RAN Sailing Association, at 1340. I expect to remain in Sydney for about two weeks catching up with some friends and completing a few chores before resuming our passage north to Townsville. All is well. |