Record Run

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Wed 12 Nov 2008 17:57
Noon Position: 37 00.5 N 070 16.9 W
Course: East Speed: 4 knots
Weather: Partly cloudy, getting warmer
Day's Run: 178 miles
We set a new record for a 24 run today, 178 miles. We have managed to find
the friendly Gulf Stream which has given us a great boost. In fact by my
calculations the current has added 77 miles to the day's run, that's an
average of 3.2 knots. Wahoo! I only regret that we didn't have a bit more
wind as I reckon we could easily have done over 200 miles. In fact we have
been drifting around for much of the morning but overnight according to the
GPS we were regularly doing in excess of 10 knots. I doubt whether we will
get an opportunity like this again in a hurry. The Hosea Higgins managed a
days run of 240 miles so I am obviously well behind her and these calms and
light winds are not going to help.
Concurrently I am re-reading Joshua Slocum's classic account of his
circumnavigation, "Sailing Alone Around the World". He was the first person
to do so, the absolute audacity of such a conception! One thing I am
struck by and by other old accounts of ocean voyaging is the amount of wild
life they refer to. My experience sailing similar routes is that the oceans
have become virtual deserts and I suspect that we are the culprits with our
modern fishing techniques. When I was in Greenland hiking the tundra a very
small voice said to me, "What are you doing to my beautiful world?" What
I just stuck my head up for a look around to see a sign float pass, "Please Keep Off the Dunes". Arghh!
Bob Cat:
The motion has settled, one's sea legs are being reacquired, the appetite is
returning, though it seems the food has not improved. I have found a nice
new nook to curl up in.
All is well.