Sailing Slowly

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Thu 2 Jul 2009 14:47
Course: East Speed 2.5 knots
Wind: South sou' east, light breeze
Weather: overcast, fog patches Seas: slight, low swell
This morning revealed a day not much different from yesterday, wet and windless. After breakfast I looked around and wondered what to do. I had pretty much exhausted the attractions of Crookhaven and we really needed to keep moving to have some hope of keeping up with my summer cruise schedule. There appeared to be a little wind outside so at 11 a.m. we weighed anchor, tacked out of the narrow entrance against the light breeze and a half hour later were out into clear waters with a light breeze filling the sails. I was tempted to motor out of the Bay at one point, even got to the point of turning on the fuel pump but just as I did so a little puff came up, Sylph heeled slightly and accelerated, so I went below turned the pump off and we continued sailing. We are now a little west of the infamous Fastnet Rock, it's a bit foggy, the wind is very light and we are only making very slow progress. I hope to make for Baltimore this evening, there to get some rigging repaired. It is only 17 miles away but at this rate we won't be getting there until sometime tomorrow. Still, as long as the sails are full, the windvane is steering and we are roughly making way in the direction we wish to go, then I am happy.
All is well.
Bob Cat:
The food sucks!!! Zzzzzzz.