Fresh Anti-fouling
Where Next?
Bob Williams
Sun 17 Oct 2021 10:30
Position: Alongside RSAYS Marina
Wind: S F2. Weather: mostly sunny and mild
This week’s milestone has been applying a fresh coat of anti-fouling to Sylph’s bottom. While the Squadron where we have been staying has slipping facilities, they do not allow people to live on their boats while hauled out. Fortunately Docklands Adelaide, formerly part of Marina Adelaide, still do. So on Monday morning we motored eight miles up the Port River to Docklands Adelaide where we were hauled out at around 1400.
I am pleased to report that Sylph’s hull was still relatively clean and that the paint was in good condition with no evidence of any blistering, nor of any cracks in my extensive amateur welding. Consequently applying a fresh coat of anti-fouling paint was relatively straight forward with no welding or priming of bare metal required as had been the norm over the last several years. We were also lucky with the weather. Rain threatened at times but mostly held off during daylight hours and I was able to get two good coats of anti-fouling on over three days so that we were ready to return to the water on Thursday.
Now we are back at the Squadron. My battle with the Department of Agriculture continues but at this stage I am losing. As mentioned last week, I had thought to perhaps sail past Australia and continue on to New Zealand, and then to either continue on to somewhere else depending on the pandemic, or return to Australia. However, due to current COVID restrictions with NZ borders closed to yachts, I don’t think that will work. And I am worried that if I take Oli past NZ then getting him back into Australia will be difficult and very expensive. It seems that apart from New Zealand the only way one is allowed to import a companion animal into Australia is by air and then there is a minimum ten day quarantine period. I find it ironic that the Department of Agriculture, in forcing me to go to another country in order to bring Oli back into Australia, are actually increasing the risk to the country’s biosecurity. As one friend said, it’s all very Kafkaesque. I still think the Department’s decision on this matter is actually wrong and would like to fight it if I can. Unfortunately the next step involves lawyers which is always expensive and risky. And meanwhile the clock is ticking. Departure date is now only 68 days away.
On the plus side the Department of Home Affairs has given us approval to leave Australia up until mid- January, so that is a win.
All is well.