Windy Passage to Narooma

Position: 36 12.82 S 150 07.77 E This morning the day dawned with a light north westerly breeze blowing through Snug Cove. The forecast was for fresh to strong westerlies, an excellent breeze for making good time up the coast. So, at 0715 I hoisted the mainsail and slipped our line to the public mooring. On drifting clear of the mooring buoy, I set the jib and brought Sylph round onto a course for sea. Initially we ghosted along in the light breeze but we were soon clear of Lookout Point and out into the open air where we altered course to the north and tightened sheets for a close reach. As the day wore on the breeze increased requiring first one reef in the main and then, eventually, two plus a partially furled headsail. We zipped up the coast at an average speed of six and half knots, though the winter westerlies off the NSW coast tend to be gusty affairs so often we were heeling heavily to squally white-capped gusts, and at other times we coasted along gently. Late in the day the wind strengthened further which had Sylph romping along on a close reach in the relatively flat waters close in to the shore. It all made for a fast exciting sail and at 1640 we handed sail and started the motor to completer the day’s passage into Wagonga Inlet. It was good timing as we still had a bit of light left and the tide was full and still flooding so the bar was calm and the entrance was easy. Just on 1700 we dropped anchor in five meters of water. All is well. |