Arrived Port Jackson
Noon Position: 33 52.26 S 151
13.97 E The wind freshened and backed into the NE as predicted and by 1350 we were running square making good four and a half knots. By late evening we were making good seven knots with two reefs in the main and the jib partly furled. So we ended up enjoying a pleasant overnight sail, though vigilance was required as there were numerous ships off Newcastle, most of whom appeared to be drifting, presumably queuing up to pick up a hold-full of coal. We arrived off Sydney Heads at dawn, well ahead of the southerly change, a huge full red moon setting over the city’s skyline in a cloudless sky as the sun’s rosy fingers peeked out over the opposite horizon. As we entered the gateway into this great city the wind backed further into the NW requiring us to drop the pole and sheet in the sails. Once inside the shelter of the harbour, the wind eased significantly and we quickly had full sail up, tacking into the harbour, dodging the morning ferry traffic. I had contacted Nick at the RANSA office the day prior and he had kindly arranged club mooring for Sylph, so we made straight for Rushcutters Bay where the mooring is located. As we approached the wind faded to almost nothing but there remained just enough for Sylph to maintain steerage way. We all but drifted onto the mooring, handing sail as we approached, engine idling just in case but, as it turned out, not required. It was a very satisfying way to end a passage that had been dominated by lots of motoring. All is well. |