Crawling to the Finish

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Fri 3 Jun 2016 02:47
Course: South West Speed: 3 knots
Wind: South East, F2 – light breeze
Sea: slight Swell: South Sou’ East 1.5 meters
Weather: overcast with occasional sunny patches, passing showers
Day’s run: 67 nm sailed, 52 nm made good.
Our progress down the coast has slowed to a crawl. Yesterday I was thinking
for a while that there might have been a chance that we would be able to
make it to Sydney in time to clear in this afternoon, but that thought
evaporated later in the day as winds continued light and fickle. We are
picking up local weather forecasts from the volunteer marine rescue
organisations along the coast which are predicting north easterly winds this
afternoon picking up to gale force tomorrow. By then I hope to be snug at
anchor somewhere inside the world’s finest harbour, Port Jackson.
All is well.