Arrived Adelaide

Position: 34 46.5 S 138 29.3
E We motored for close to three hours yesterday afternoon which put us just inside Backstairs Passage, clear of the SW swell, with a light breeze picking up. I set the code zero and full main which had us making three to four knots. We fell into a bit of a hole behind Cape Jervis but drifted north with the tide and soon had a light SE breeze filling our sails again and Sylph heading in the right direction. Overnight was mostly light winds but sufficient to keep Sylph moving between two to four knots, even reaching seven knots for a short period. As we approached Adelaide the wind swung into the NE and went very light - force one to two - but the sea was smooth so Sylph was able to maintain steerage and we able to keep on sailing. At 0734 this morning we tacked for the final leg into Port Adelaide's Outer Harbour. As we passed the breakwaters I started the engine and handed sail to motor the last half mile into the Royal South Australian Yacht Squadron marina. It has been a tiring night with little sleep but this morning's sail in smooth seas, light winds and beautiful clear sky more than compensated for this minor hardship. Also, I am well satisfied with our overall passage. While by no means a fast passage, we have averaged just over a hundred miles a day with minimal motoring, and in particular I am pleased that the weather allowed us to make the passage non-stop. My plan is to stay here for two to three weeks to catch up with family and friends (already we have received a warm reception at the Squadron with Oli's fame preceding him), then start heading east again. Next stop Melbourne. All is well. |