Investigator Strait

Noon Position: 35 43.2 S 136 34.8 E We made slow progress coming down the Gulf with light headwinds and a contrary tide for much of the day. However, the light conditions made for pleasant sailing and allowed the ASC (aka Oli) to get his sea legs. Given his lack of sailing aptitude, Kate had taken him to the vet before departing Adelaide to get some anti-anxiety and anti-nausea drugs and thus far they seem to be working well (touch wood). The wind freshened in the evening and the tide turned in our favour which allowed us to make good an average of seven knots for several hours. This morning we continued west through Investigator Strait, Sylph running before the wind now light from the east. At noon we rounded Cape Borda, the northwest point of Kangaroo Island, and we are now beam reaching to the south. We expect to be out into the whale grounds around midnight which, unfortunately, means we will not be able to collect any data until morning. Still, hopefully we will detect some signs of their activity and be able to position ourselves at first light to be able to collect some useful data, mainly position and behaviour records and with luck a few photos. All is well.
A calm sea and clear sky at dusk, Gulf of St Vincent:
Oli on deck getting his sea legs:
Rounding Cape Borda, Kangaroo Island: