Departed Sato Ne
Where Next?
Bob Williams
Tue 11 Mar 2014 11:38
18:00 Position: 32 00.1 N 129 57.4 E Course: North nor' west Speed: 2 knots Wind: North west F2 light breeze Sea: slight Swell: negligible Weather: sunny, cool As anticipated, there has not been much wind about today as the weather pattern is currently being dominated by a high pressure cell passing over the region. Consequently there seemed little point being in a hurry to get away. We have sixty miles to sail to Nagasaki, and as the high pressure system moves off to the east of us the winds will back into the south and strengthen, so I am confident that sailing overnight we will arrive at Nagasaki well before sunset tomorrow. I have not been able to find any gluten free cereal in Japan, so breakfast over the last few days has consisted of a bowl of boiled rice and beans (they look like kidney beans but who knows), with some tomato sauce for flavour. Unless I can find a western style supermarket in one of the big cities it is likely this will be my breakfast fare for some time to come. After breakfast, I enjoyed a quiet morning reading but at a bit after ten decided I had better make a move, especially after I had a hoy from the dock from a man who turned out to be from the government (he didn't say which department and wore no uniform), asking me when I would be leaving. At a little after eleven I let go the dock lines and motored out of the harbour into the smooth and near windless bay. The sky was clear and the sea a royal blue, a lovely day to be out on the water even if it was going to be slow going. Despite the light winds we managed to sail through the narrow gap between the northern headland of the island and the chain of rocks and small islets that extend a couple of miles to the east, then spent the remainder of the afternoon drifting around in very light airs just to the north of the island going nowhere. Now as evening has fallen the wind has picked up a little. The stars are coming out against the darkening sky, a half moon is directly overhead, and the loom of several brightly lit squid boats can be seen on the western horizon. The sheets are eased, and Sylph is making a comfortable four knots. It promises to be a pleasant night. All is well. |