Day 32 - Half Way to the Horn

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Fri 14 Jan 2022 23:05
Course: ESE Speed: 6.5 knots
Wind: NW, F5 Sea: moderate
Swell: NW, 3 meters
Weather: sunny, mild
Day's Run: 142nm
Winds did not freshen as much as I expected last night and we ended up a little under-canvassed with two reefs in the main and 60% of the jib out. Nonetheless, we have made a respectable day's run of a 142 miles for an average speed of just under six knots. This morning, at 0500, with the wind backing into the west and remaining at a reasonably steady 18 knots, I poled the jib out to port and later in the forenoon shook out the second reef, though I expect I will be putting it back in soon enough.
Coconut has made somewhat better distance over the last 24 hours than I was expecting. We have closed her by another 20 miles but she remains 100 nm ahead of us. So, at a rate of closure of 20nm per day, we should be in sight of her in five days time. By then I am hopeful that the forecast patch of rough weather will be past.
This forenoon, by my calculations, we passed the half way longitude to Cabo de Hornos.
All is well.