
Where Next?
Bob Williams
Thu 4 Nov 2010 23:03

At anchor Bahia Cumberland, Robinson Crusoe Island
Wind West, light to moderate, gusty
Weather: Mostly sunny, mild

BC is still here, and continues to do what he has always done best, sleep.

Today I went for a short hike looking for a nice spot for him. I think I have found somewhere suitable.

I popped in on Allen on the way back and ended up in an in depth conversation with one of his co-workers, Pablo, who spoke excellent English. He is a biologist with an interest in ethnology, and is a fan of Richard Dawkins. We both agreed that Dawkins’ seminal work “The Selfish Gene” is potentially a life changing work but we disagreed in our opinions on his later work, particularly “The God Delusion”, (which having read some rather disparaging reviews of I have not read). While these days after much thought and soul searching I consider myself an atheist I do not like Dawkins’ aggressive and insensitive style of preaching atheism.  Despite this relatively minor divergence, which of course helped to keep the conversation interesting, I very much appreciated the company.

All is well.

Bob Cat:

…. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz