Ports Are No Good

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Wed 20 Aug 2008 14:02

August 20, 2008  

Alongside St Johns

Weather:  Early showers, calm.


“Ports are no good – ships rot, men go to the devil.” 

So one of Joseph Conrad’s first mates said as he got back on board after a night on the grog while their ship was berthed in Sydney.  (I have just finished reading "The Mirror of the Sea” and “A Personal Record”.)

I guess for those of us who have spent most of their lives at sea time on shore can be difficult.  At sea there is always the simple demand of the destination ahead, each day looking after the boat – and, ipso facto, yourself into the bargain – especially a sailing vessel where you have to work with the elements to keep her safe and moving in the direction you want to go and not in the direction the wind and sea want to push her.   Ashore goals and aspirations quickly become confused amongst the mass of people and the complications that seem to multiply with each moment. 

Three days in port – it’s a worry.

The laundry is done and the photos are posted to the blog.  Today I will get some fresh supplies in, then it’s a matter of waiting for the weather.  The outlook is not good.  I think we are going to have to accept headwinds, but we will wait at least until it isn’t a dead muzzler or quite so fresh.


Bob Cat:


Ah, the human condition, consciousness is not something the rest of creation has been burdened with.  My motto:  Think less, sleep more.  Zzzzzz.