“We SAW”

Lars Alfredson
Tue 9 Feb 2021 11:44
Updated 08.00hrs Tuesday 9 February 2021 Good morning readers and greetings from Dawnbreaker (DB) on mooring buoy RED 14, James Bay, Jamestown, St Helena, South Atlantic. Nothing much to report really ..... Sunday was spent doing what should be done on a SUN day ...... chilling, swimming (although not by me .... brrrr), drinking, eating and chatting. Late afternoon Kenneth had a brief chat with Harbour Control regarding a report they had received that "DB" had breached the isolation rules the previous day. Kenneth quite truthfully reported that HE had not left the boat and the radio was immediately alive with an angry person (Ferry Services?) saying "Liar" ..... A very unhappy Kenneth immediately and vociferously protested his innocence at which point Harbour Control, fearing a repeat of the 1970 Fishing Wars, instructed that the matter would be dealt with on Monday and the radio fell silent. Unfortunately the above was overheard by Nikolas who was again upset by the whole affair. Monday (yesterday) was a wait and see (or is that wait on the sea?) day. Well I am pleased to say that we waited and we SAW. We SAW an email from Harbour Control regarding Saturdays infraction which I replied to, and am pleased to say we have heard no more about it. We then SAW a pod of Spinner Dolphins practicing for their next show. It was beautiful to watch, the power and grace they have as they leap from the water, quite spectacular. Later in the afternoon, after a lunch of yummy pancakes prepared by "I didnt leave the boat" Kenneth, we SAW Carl (Deputy Harbour Master) and his driver in their launch visit Nikolas and then come alongside us. I must admit the way the driver controlled their boat was poetry in motion, he had to contend with choppy waves coming from 3 different directions, a continually shifting wind and DB swinging about on her moorings and yet it was if their boat was welded to the spot less than a metre from our starboard (right) side - Respect Sir .... "Respect". All was very cordial as they checked our papers and crew list (which now has the correct DOB for Jeremy). They then relieved me of my 7 x 20 GBP notes and took away our shopping list which included such necessities as a SIM card, bottle of Rum, Case of Beer for Kenneth and a Fridge Magnet for me. Hopefully we will see them later today (Tuesday) with said provisions. Later in the evening (when it was dark) we entertained and ALL had a wonderful evening. It was so wonderful that I decided that, in the pitch black of night, I was going to swim ashore, climb the 150 metre high sheer cliff face and claim the lands for Her Majesty - Fortunately for me, Capt. Lars reminded me that St Helena is already a proud possession of Her Majesty so I settled for just the swim around the back of "DB" being very careful to keep an eye out for the shark which Nikolas reported seeing a few days ago - I actually think it was one of the Dolphins we had seen earlier in the day and that he (Nikolas) needs to go to SpecSavers. It is now 10am and the sun is shining brightly. Capt. Lars has been for his morning swim, Kenneth is, as usual (when not cooking) reading, Jeremy is somewhere in the bowels of the boat writing his "book" and yours truly is blocking the companion way as I stand at the Navigation Table typing up this, my latest, missive. We have also been entertained by the arrival of a huge Catamaran which had great difficulty (over 30 minutes) in securing to a mooring buoy. Please also accept my apologies for the poor punctuation, but someone has messed with the keyboard and I cannot find some of the symbols needed. If all goes according to plan, which it usually doesnt - Once we get our SIM card and internet access, I will hopefully finalise with Sgt. Cyndi on Ascension Island the visas for Kenneth and Jeremy. We will then "cast off", set a course of about 313 degrees which we will hold, winds permitting, for 700 miles (about 4 days) and then hopefully step ashore. Have a good week people. Remember to not only look after yourselves (Hands, Face and Space) but maybe reach out (phone or internet) and check that your friends are holding up too. Isolation can, at times, be a blessing, but for some it may be a Curse. From "Deck Hand Pete" - This is Dawnbreaker, Over and Out. |