Blue Lagoon

Pos 16:56.63S 77:22.08E
20130625 Tuesday – Blue Lagoon
Today we on the move to Nanuya LaiLai the place made famous by Brooke Shields bikini clad performance in the remake of the film “Blue Lagoon".
Its blowing 20kts plus and gusting, sending spindrift over the deck from the waves that slap on the hull. We meander our way through the reef until we turn to starboard into the passage in amongst the islands. With a roar the “Awesome” the yellow inter-island catamaran ferry whizzes past us with a friendly wave, we think he recognises us now as our paths cross daily.
Amongst the islands we’re in the lee of the land and both the wind and seas diminish.. Dropping anchor between two large reef patches off the beach of the resort, the sea is relatively flat though we still get irregular guest of over 20knots, swinging us on our chain.
It’s low tide when we arrive, which makes our passage through the numerous reefs to the anchorage a lot easier as they show themselves above the surface. This is also a disadvantage when snorkelling as you cannot swim over them and a lot of the best natural light for photography is in the meter or so of water, that covers them at high tide.
Nanuya resort
We lunch and as the tide rises set out with our cameras at the ready to see what the reef has to surprise us. Returning we decide to explore the resort and see what it has to provide in the way of dining.
There doesn’t seem to be much life ashore and this is confirmed when we land and head for the bar. “Lonely Planet” describes Nanuya Island Resort so; a short walk, even in flippers, to the azure waters of the Blue Lagoon, this swish under stated resort is the kind of place you picture when you dream of indulgence, beachside cocktails and exquisite vistas. This place oozes romance, and is a favourite place for couples (no children under 7). The beachside restaurant is atmospheric and the a-la-carte deliciously inventive.
We were rather disappointed with the lack of life and after a beer at the bar return to dine aboard. On the way back we make a small diversion in the dinghy to run down to the bay at the end of the beach where the film was shot. Its blowing a gale out of the lee and after a tentative look we return somewhat dampened.
We hoist our party flags inviting our neighbours to join us for sundowners but there is no response. Perhaps this a new custom for this part of the world!
Chorizo with onions and garlic mixed in with pasta for dinner. . 20130626 Wednesday
We swim the reefs and walk the beach to its end then walk up the next beach before entering the water again. On the swim back we stop at the reef marker where they drop the tourist. It’s obvious from the reaction of the fish that crowd around us that they are fed. This becomes more evident when Lars finds and old crab leg and waving about, disappears in shoals of fish.
Trippers feeding fish
Diners Shan please identify.
Now we’re getting familiar with the reef and its inhabitants we are starting to take note of the interaction between the various fish. The most interesting is watching the Wrasse cleaning and delousing fish that arrive. They stop depending on size, open their mouth and go into non threatening posture and let them get to work internally or externally.
Wrasse and customer. Hot lips?
Turning back, Lars and Tonton head for the beach to walk most of the way back before crossing to the yacht. In view of the trouble I have getting my fins on, I opt for the long kilometre swim back meeting a two metre Barracuda on the way. The result was a shocked look from us both and his hasty departure, disappearing out of sight into the depths.
Close encounter with a Barracuda
This afternoon we move down to Turtle Island Resort a mile or down the bay. No sooner have dropped anchor than one of their boats come out and asks us to leave!
Turtle Island Resort Early warning?
We note from the guide that “It has daily seaplane flights from Nadi airport to Turtle Island Resort for $888 per couple return” This sounds familiar! A small concession is obtained, as they agree to go back ashore and buy cigarettes for Tonton who is in advanced nicotine regression, which is threatening to deplete our alcohol supplies.
Returning to our anchorage amongst a small flotilla that has now gathered, we go ashore to once more to the Nanuya Resort, tempted by the guide entre of their “deliciously inventive a-la-carte”, but we’re told their fully booked. We really must change our deodorant!
Outcast and unloved we return to the yacht for happy hour and a session of looking on the internet for guidance to places we wish to visit next. In the course of this we come across a “Yachtsman’s Guide to Fiji”, where we find we’re not the only rejects on the beach as it advises “Turtle Island does not encourage yachts to visit”
Our Chef serves a spicy Chilli Concarne for dinner from his imaginative repertoire, with an excellent vintage for our wine cellar. So with a little Brazilian Bosa Nova to soothe the soul we settle down for the evening.
Do not attempt to land at resorts whose guest arrive by seaplane
Bob the Blog