Exploring Uoleva
20130526 Sunday In search of man Friday
Today is exploration day and were going to tackle the jungle and see how impenetrable it really is. Running up onto the soft sand we pull the dinghy up the beach and plant the anchor above the high water mark.
Where is my Camera? Uoleva Yacht Club
Armed with nothing more that our cameras and “Crocs” we pick up a trail from a dilapidated shelter consisting of a few posts and a palm frond roof that looks suspiciously like its been used as a Bar. We’re right and although abandoned, a sign lying on the sand floor inside declares it’s Uoleva's Yatch Club.
The coconut bordered path leads to a Palm frond hut complete with solar panels and a mighty throne of a toilet. There is a water tank and signs that attempts at gardening have been made, but despite some clothing hanging on a line there is no sign of life.
Back to basics Vodoo ?
Onward, we follow the trail deeper into the undergrowth where it become difficult to follow due the activities of pigs which have grubbed everywhere and a dearth of coconuts underfoot making walking a bit of a challenge.
Turning our way back to the beach, Lars gets enmeshed in a giant spider’s web, hanging between the trees across the path. Fortunately having seen all of the Indiana Jones movies he hacks his way through it undeterred.
Spot the spider Man eater.
There’s a large pole on the beach which seems to serve as a guide through the shore side reef and marks another track into the undergrowth. Again we follow it and come across another hut, this one occupied by two men playing cards and in the process of consuming a large bowl of muddy coloured Kava. They seem very happy as we progress.
Happy chappies, kava and cards.
Next we come to a very superior set of building the one consists of a large open lounge, a bar and kitchen with solar panels and a pole with a wi-fi link aerial mounted on the top. Civilization at last.
WiFi ! Two more happy chappies.
Wandering around we find signs to the other side of the island and accommodation huts as well as the owner and her girl Friday. Following a brief discussion she advises us she is returning to the main building and the bar will open in due course.
Girl Friday. Patti
Patti has been living on the island for some four years and she had all the buildings constructed in Bali then shipped out. Should you wish to join the Robinson Crusoe set you’ll find here at www.serenitybeaches.com. She tells us that the Catamaran anchored on the other side of the island is sailed by a family and they have a young Welshman onboard teaching the kids, but we failed to meet him.
Cat (amaran) and dog. Cuttlefish bone
Business had been brisk with 60 for dinner a couple nights ago from the yacht rally making its way from New Zealand to Vanuatu, how she did it we failed to discover. Our credit was good fortunately as we had come ashore penniless, promising to return later.
Coral nursery Hornblower
After lunching aboard we packed our gear and money (Carefully wrapped in a self seal freezer bag) and set out on a snorkel trip over the reefs. Having worked up a thirst we then swam ashore and set out for the bar, remembering the sailor’s motto, “Never knowingly passing and open pub/bar” were returned and spent our remaining Pa’anga and a “Pa’anga shortfall was turned into a discount enabling us to purchase one more round.
Nemo the clownfish
After a long tiring trudge through the soft sand to the dinghy we returned home to pork chops and potatoes (Instant) with creamy onion grave, wonderful! Then settled down for night
Bob the Blog
20130527 Monday – Happy Birthday
We return to Ha’ano and after an uneventful motor back into the wind we have lunch before going ashore to check out with customs and immigration, Uncle Tom Cobly and all.
It’s Lars’s birthday, but oh dear we’ve spent all our local money. As the economy of these islands relies on money sent back home from family members working abroad, you can always find a money transfer business, here is no different.
Western Union does money exchange and after convincing them they are miscalculating their conversion finally manage to change NZ$55 into Pa’anga 102 for a celebratory dinner, later, at the Mariners café; fish chicken or hamburger!
Onward to our man in Customs. He’s very sociable which is more than can be said for Immigration, who is a little on the dour side. Passports stamped, and a departure paper issued, were free to leave for Fiji on the morrow.
1700 time to get the Blogs and Pix ready for sending and a celebratory birthday drink to assist the process.
Bob the Blog |