Adak Harbour

Lars Alfredson
Sat 16 Jul 2016 22:30
A former navy base the city had a population of about 10,000 people at a time. The navy left the Island by the end of the 90's. Now there are 60 permanent inhabitants with 20 children amongst them. There are two fish processi plants being halibut and crab the main catch.
The summer sees a growth in population as summer crew come in for environmental cleaning and unexploded ordinance removal. This doubles the population.
Low investment housing market. A real opportunity if you looking to live in isolation.
For $4,000 you can buy a two storey detached house.
Two restaurants, one shop and a liquor store drive the economy. Liquor from
18:00 to 20:00hs is packed on Saturdays.
Supplies arrive on Thursday and Sunday. A beer 6-pack is US$20. A bacon burger runs you about $17 and a pizza $25. A bottle of Rum about $40.
Our plans to bowling were shattered. The alley has been closed for years. So the action this saturday night is a bonfire party.
A very strange feeling to walk in an abandoned town.