Under new editorial

Lars Alfredson
Mon 10 Jan 2011 23:32
Welcome Dawnbreaker fans and crew.

Our blog is now written by a  new chief editor but runs still under the same executive producer Lars Alfredson.  Me, Tonton has taken over, while Caroline is taking her winter break after a lovely 35C Brazilian summer - she has made it back home safe as informed by a extremely early call this morning ... Hehehe

                                                                         Caroline leaving
Today was basically a very relaxing day for the crew, except for the local labour which had to work hard on maintaining our batteries.
It seems, that due to lack of care from the previous crew our batteries were thirsty and dried out - wonder who did drink their share
on the Atlantic crossing?  Thomas???
 They took about 16l of fluid today.  Dawnbreaker hasn't seen so many bottles leave the boat since the last stop at Noronha.
Last night we had our first midnight dinghy visitors on board for a nightcap.  Renato our dock neighbour with his Dr. girlfriend.
Both French boats also left this morning.  This means we can finally listen to Rock & Roll Brazilian way and volume until late night
while enjoying all liquor on board to reduce weight for the next leg.  We already managed to get rid of 5 bottles.

Food in Brazil is so plentiful, that crabs crawl their way to the barbecue as you can see at the picture ....
Their luck was that the menu  today, was fish from yesterdays catch - a token of friendship from our local residents, as a result to our charm and PR efforts.  Lars is becoming very popular at all stops in Brazil - must be this Swedish look, kkkkk ......
Special request from the Captain .... It's time for Putzmeister to come on board .....
                                                 Kalle Puts i mitten
Our Blues outing was cancelled tonight due to  pure lack of stamina and excess Metaxa.  On hand blues is more convenient ....

That's all friends and readers
Comments are welcome at either Lars' email or at the chief editors email tontonat439 {CHANGE TO AT} gmail {DOT} com .... Please english only as .... kkkkk, and thomas next time take better care of the batteries.