The Cruise continues

Lars Alfredson
Sat 14 Nov 2015 17:20
pos 8:8.29S 156:54.69E
Naru Island
Saturday 14Nov. 2015
Dawnbreaker is now on the move again, after almost 2.5 month as Liapari
I started my long trip back to Liaparia Island on Monday morning the 9th
and arrived at Dawnbreaker at Thursday afternoon the 12th.
Even with a 10 hour time difference, that is a long trip.
When I got to Brisbane where I had to spend the night because the flight to
the Solomons was cancelled, I met up with 3 of my new crew.
Charlotta, Jonathan and Kenneth. We had a couple of beers together before
hitting thr bed for a 1.45 wake up call.
The morning flight for Honiara was scheduled for 05.00. When we after two
flights arrived in Gizo, Noel was waiting for us in his boat. He took us in to
Gizo town, where we met up with my last crew member Darryl and then did some
shopping for essentials.
Noel then drove us over to Liapari island and the waiting Dawnbreaker.
Quick unpacking, a swim and dinner soon saw us in bed.
Friday the 13th we got ready for sailing and also managed a walk aroun the
Island. It has been very hot since we got back and half the crew chooses to
sleep on deck at night.
Saturday we leave for Gizo at 7 am. There we do some more shopping tha will
see us all the way to Rabaul in PNG. We then moved out to a nice place for a
good snorkel. Everybody enjoyed that even if we are all a bit red raw from to
much sun.
Tomorrow Sunday we will continue to Noro for fueling on Monday
All is well,
Lars and crew