Lördag kl 20.40
Lars Alfredson
Sat 13 Nov 2010 21:52
138M kvar
Dag 4
Vinstyrka har idag varierat mellan 10-20 knop, en liten nedgång sedan igår.
Segelsättningen är lik som den igår och vi har snittat 7 knop.
Grabbarna grus fick första vakten som var 22-02.Efter det tog Kalle passet
mellan 02-04. Lars tuffar på 04-06 och efter ljusets inbrott satt Uno och
Viola sista vakten.
Under första vakten detekterade "echo soundern" ett djup på 3.7 meter, vi är
övertygade att det var en ubåt eller en val men kaptenen vidhåller att det
var ett tekniskt fel. Han är uppenbarligen med på konspirationen.
Ännu mera flygfisk hittades på däck. När vi ändå är på fisket kan vi meddela
att det idag drogs upp en "zombie-makrill" (he is now sleeping with the
fishes) utan ögon och en fin guld makrill.
Dom stora fiskarna återstår att fångas.
Hängmattan? Efter att ha talat om detta fantastiska fenomen under två dagar
så har vi äntligen fått tummen ur och satt upp den mellan rulle å mast. Det
har dock skapat ytterligare konflikter som resulterat i viss schemaläggning
av hängmatte-tid.
Vi har gått in i first-class-mode på båten, med kall serverad öl lite då och
då. Vi känner att vi kan fortsätta resan över Atlanten, då diverse rutin nu
finns i besättningen.
-12 ölen
-intellektuell stimulans av Hermans Lindkvists - Blå Tummen
-dagens frukt
-kaffe med finchoklad
-happy hour
vi stortrives
We Goosewing the second headsail which is poled out on the port side and
give us another knot of speed. It may not sound much but over 24hours is the
equivalent of 3 hours sailing at 8kts and we've still got several days to
An outbreak of cleaning occurs with Viola Pim and Calle attacking the
stainless steel work of the safety rails, removing the accumulated salt
layer and polishing away with enough vigour to make them gleam in the
sunlight ! This is brought to a halt with the 12 beer break.
Lunch, more book, I've also finished an Andy Mcnab (and discovered I had
read it before) and am now reading Frederick Forsyth's "Avenger" from the
well stocked ships library of English and Swedish works.
Carbenara for dinner tonight, we certainly now how to live, and another
empty 2ltr bottle of Mercadonas best ends up in the dinghy which serves as a
dustbin for our non degradable rubbish, peelings and food items go
Shifts are re-organised and I get the "get out jail free" card and have the
night off. Unfortunately it wasn't quite the restful night I had anticipated
as that bilge pump started its antics again whistling away and getting
louder and longer by the hour until at 0500 the bilge were cleared.
13112010 Saturday Day 26
We ticking along nicely having been on the same track and tack running
downwind for the last four days, the conditions could hardly be better and
we're averaging just under 8 Knots. Last nights GRIB shows settled
Breakfast and repair to the throne with the book. Pim and Lars rig up the
Hammock between the stormsail foresail and the mast and Pim and Frederick
take full advantage. A false alarm on the fishing line, so its tinned tuna
for lunch.
I decide to catch up with the Blog as its getting hot out there and even
though overcast, its 27.2C in the shade and I've got a little burnt, the sea
is even warmer, currently 27.6C we are definitely getting further south
1450 Position 19.13'.450 North 022.53'.908, West Distance to go 184nm,
ETA 1Day 8Hours, Speed 8.2kts Hazy, Seas moderate following, 1 Mtr Swell