Pulawat Is.

Lars Alfredson
Mon 18 Feb 2019 09:53
In the morning after an uneventful night we left the unfriendly Chuuk. Setting sails in the perfect NE trades we headed for frendlier waters. The day was uneventful and calm, until Happy hour approached.
Ivan volontered to make the drinks. The waves was high outside and must have been equally high in the gin botten. Cheers!
Everybody was happy until it was time for the night watch.
In the morning we neared Pulawat Is. and had to slow down and wait for god light befors we entered the lagoon.
After breakfast and morning swim we went ashore to be met by Happy smiling children. What a difference!
We met an old man that avsked for our hela fixing his radio antenna. We did a good try especially Jonas that had to climb the roof. After getting tools from the boat we spent some time trying the repair .We were revarded with bananas and coconuts. The result we dont know yet, not until tomorrow but we will be gone by then.
We also had time to walk through the Village, 800 people. Everybody was happy to see us especially the children.
We have now retirerat to the boat for sundowners and later ”Flygande Jakob” for dinner.