3rd day at sea
Lars Alfredson
Wed 26 Sep 2012 01:07
25th of September 21.00 LT
Steve here writing as the fellas just asked me to talk of whats gone down
since the last blog in which we have covered 142 Nautical miles. Last night
we had some good wind and all did shifts on watch making sure we got into no
trouble as we sailed through the dark of night which was lit by a bright 3
quater moon and the stars of the southern sky. I got sea sick and fed the
fish during my shifts .. fattening them up for the fishing that was to
follow the next day!
Today has been awesome (no seasickness for me! yay!) and for lunch we caught
what looked to me a Queeny, Mike dragged it in and Cabral had its head off
and filleted in about 35 seconds, fish was still flapping and confused going
onto the frypan! Great fish lunch with some rice and beers, we are a happy
mob!. The rest of the day was cruising on some light winds and doing a few
chores on the Dawnbreaker, there was guitars played and books read and sleep
caught up on in preperation for the approaching nightshifts.
The sunset tonight was absolutely epic! no wind and the ocean was so smooth
and viscous with the colours reflecting off it made it look like a huge lava
lamp we were sailing over. Amazing colours of pinks, reds, greens and blues
on the water, sky, horizan and through the clouds, we sailed through this
dream with no land to be seen. Planet earth our home is so beautiful! Thats
day 3.