Koro Island

Lars Alfredson
Sun 14 Jul 2013 03:05

17:16.41S 179:21.66E


20130710 Wednesday Koro Island


Having spent the early morning recovering from our late night, were normally in bed by 21:30 unlike last nights 23:30, a live-aboard dive boat arrives and in a fit of generosity we offer him our mooring as we decide its time for some action.



                     Dive boat


Weighing anchor we set sail for to Koro Island some 40nm away. I take the helm for a cracking sail, powering along with a full main and nr2 jib. The seas build as we leave the lea of the land and in 20 knot winds were soon surfing on two metres waves driving forward at up to 10.5 knots.


With the sea on the stern quarter, it’s like trying to steer a wild horse with the rest of the herd of white horses chasing behind. As the waves smash into the stern you’re hanging on to the beast, concentrating on trying to predict how much off track you’ll be thrown. Then before impact you’re already turning the wheel the opposite way to compensate and keep the boat on course. It certainly clears last night’s cobwebs!



                                 At the helm


The sun which has been shining gloriously on the trip over, now disappears as we sail into the rain clouds already hanging over this end of the island. Anchoring off the jetty we get into contact with the resort that we had previously emailed and who had welcomed our visit.


Between the rain showers we venture ashore, motoring up to the jetty and making fast the dinghy, we take the long walk to land. On arrival we are greeted by one of the staff who opens the bar for us.


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                            The long walk


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                                                                                                                                      Guest Bures


The place seems a little worn, with the swimming pool looking somewhat green and unloved. He gives us the history of the place which is actually a development site for some 450 plots of which since 1999 only some 50 have been built up the heavily wooded steep hillside.


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                             Bar and restaurant.                                                                                                 Inside


The resort itself is quite small with the bar and restaurant serving residents of the development (They have a Friday “Pub” night”) as well as visitors. Of the latter, the last group had left the week end before and none were expected in the near future. Needless to say as we were our own crowd it was very quiet.





Back on board we plan a route for an early departure the following morning and listen to the rain, which has by now resumed with increased vigour.


Bob the Blog