Weather-Port Lockroy

Lars Alfredson
Tue 10 Jan 2012 23:38
Hej !
Det blåser mycket när vi lägger oss så det finns ju alltid i huvudet att ankaret kan släppa. Ni kan vara lugna, ankarlarm är på. När jag läst min bok och somnat in väcks jag av en mycket kraftig duns. Sätter mig rakt upp för det lät precis som när vi ligger i naturhamn och kölen slår i botten. Sedan hör jag skrapandet efter sidan. Isklump i storleksordningen badkar har krockat med båten. Jag somnar om. Hur vet jag storleken? Peter vakande och gick upp och tittade.
När vi intar frukost tas frågan upp om möjligheten att nå södra polcirkeln. Det har inte varit så mycket is söder över på 40 år. Vi hade ju ett litet mål att ta oss söder om polcirkeln. Vi tittar på väderfiler för att se om vi kan få medvind ner och medvind tillbaka. De filer vi fått i skrivande stund är inte till vår fördel.
Problemet är att vi troligtvis inte kan hitta en säker ankringsplats söder om polcirkeln på grund av is. Det blir nog till att lägga mer tid att segla öster över. Den Ukrainska basen som ligger en bit söder om oss har inte haft något besök på 8 månader.
Peter har roat sig med att pumpa upp gummikajaken. När det var färdigt blåste det för mycket. När det slutat blåsa började regnet. Peter gjorde som vi övriga, gick in i båten.
Att gifta sig på udda plats kan ju vara trevligt. Idag kom ett kryssningsfartyg in. Vi hörde över VHF radion att något var på gång. På en klippa inte långt från sätts passagerare iland. Kapten kommer tillsammans med en yngre herre i kostym. När alla är samlade kommer en gummibåt med bruden iklädd brudklänning.
Ceremonin startar. På berget bakom tittat Pingviner nyfiket på händelsen. När brudparet lämnar ön ska vi tuta. De är tyst. Det visar sig att hornet inte tyckte om kyla. Lars provar den efter uppvärmning inne i båten. Det var ingen som missade detta.
Nedan nämner Bob webkameran (bilden uppdateras vae 14 sek ) på Palmer Stationen. och klicka på "palmer station webkamera"
10012012 Weather - Port Lockroy
Air 6.6C Water 2.8C Wind NE 9-40Kts Forecast Southerly 25kts which we know will be at least 10kts more plus 20Kts or so for the Woollies.
Woollies sweeping down the Glacier are swinging us through a wide arc on our anchor, and its raining. It was a noisy night with explosions from the Glacier as it dropped new ice into the sea. Some of this was blown into us and made a terrific noise as they collided with us then scraped along the hull.
The big ketch that left before us in Puerto Williams has arrived in our absence. "Spirit of Sydney" is still at anchor and when we talk to Darrell he tells us that his mountaineers should be coming back aboard tonight. Since they will be on the last of their rations Kath is busy cooking up a storm in anticipation of their arrival.
The highlight of the day is watching a wedding ceremony being conducted on one of the islands by the captain of the "Spirit of the Sea" (We think) and in front of fellow passengers who have gathered there.
She arrives in the "Bridal" dinghy escorted by two others, forming the honour guard. Onshore are the waiting guests, all dressed in their yellow waterproof and looking not unlike the penguins that stand around them surveying the scene? The bride steps ashore dressed in a white bridal gown with her intended in his DJ or in this case more apply described as a penguin suite.
The ceremony over we try to add our bit to it but our air horn doesn't like the Antarctic temperatures and gives a rather strangulated wheeze as they head back to their ship.
During the morning we are visited by the Skipper and crew from the Ketch as they make their way ashore and later a Norwegian lady running Zodiacs from one of the cruise ships. She had spotted our Swedish flag and after dropping her load of passengers ashore comes over for a chat.
Peter meanwhile has pulled out the inflatable 2-man Kayak which he has now assembled. His next problem is trying to find a volunteer to fill the second seat, so it's lashed down to await better weather and possibly a more amenable crew.
Though it's still raining, we send a party ashore. Tonton and I decline and busy ourselves aboard. Ashore the snow is stained red though we're assured it's an algae and not penguin poo, though the smell is there and has to be experienced to be appreciated (Or otherwise). Consequently were quite happy to forego a trip on this occasion and open a bottle of wine to console ourselves.
The shore party return to a heated environment which generates comments on fuel consumption. Engine, and heater hours are checked and calculations made to see how long we can last at current consumption. We have to consider what is more important to us, crossing the Antarctic circle some 300 miles away or visiting places of interested. Time, fuel, and priorities are our considerations with this one of the worst being the worse season for ten years for ice.
After Lunch, we send and download emails only to learn from one of them that Palmer station has a web cam and we have been spotted by a friend of Urbans.
Spirit of Sydney is on its way out to pick up their mountaineers, apparently they've run out food and been living on dried potatoes. On hearing of the webcam they advise no more nude bathing ! They may be heading direct to Palmer station after the pick-up, where they have asked for the mountaineering leader to give a lecture to their staff.
Bob the Blog