Fw: Praia, Santiago fredag 19/11

Lars Alfredson
Fri 19 Nov 2010 12:59
Subject: Praia, Santiago fredag 19/11

Har just ätit frukost, men matlusten är inte vad den brukar. Jag har drabbat av nån bakterie så igår em befann jag mig nära toaletten, sen var det Affes tur att drabbas.
I torsdags gav sig Karl-Anders, Fredrik o Pim hem. Kvällen innan firades det med drinkpaty, Bob som är drinkblandaren har fått kritik för att drinkarna var fär svaga, nu ville han ge igen, ingen skall hädanefter klaga på styrkan. Man kan säga att det var stilla på båten an efter, man låg gärna på rygg o bara var. Uno o jag var på morgon ute på en dingetur och fann en fin sandstrand, dit ville vi gärna, vad vi inte tänkte på var vågorna som rullade in. Plötsligt låg vi i vattnet med vågorna rullande över oss. Våra badgrejer o flöt omkring. mobilerna har inte fungerat sen dess. Lusten att bada mer försvann också, det gällde att ta sig där ifrån. Pojkar som såg oss blev vår räddning, dom simmade ut oss i dingen, och vi var lyckliga att motorn startade. Idag skall vi samla de krafter vi har o ta oss en schoppingrunda. Vi har 34.6 grader här Viola



17112010 Wednesday Day 29


After breakfast and a slow start we head ashore in the hunt for a Wi-Fi café. Tying up at the fuel pontoon we hail two taxis and head for town. There are two large thoroughfares one has a large concrete block preventing traffic from entering and is the center of considerable activity as according to the sign and pictures at the entrance it is being paved and pedestrianised. We turn onto the next street which is full of shops, many of them Chinese selling everything from keyfobs to polo shirts, genuine (imitation ?) Ralph Lauren labeled and marked down from the recommended retail price of $69 to 500escudos, about £4.50 and very nice they are too.


Outside and along the whole street, women were leaning against the shop walls selling flip flops, plastic bags, bananas and eggs etc. The egg lady gave us a nasty moment when she bent over to get change for a customer whilst balancing four trays of eggs on her head.


We then chanced upon the market, totally run by women selling vegetables, multi-coloured fish and spices etc. One stall was selling bottles of some exotic looking brew with the stoppers being pieces of sweetcorn!


We are directed to the best café in town by to local police ladies and though it doesn’t have Wi-Fi we decide to have lunch there. This turns out to be a “Meze” of all the various food-stuff they have on display. Then onward to our goal where we sit outside the found at last Wi-Fi café and do the e-mails while sipping a beer. It must have been good stuff as we decide to walk back. The good news its down hill, the bad news apart from being a long way in the heat, we have to shortcut across a Wadi of sewage on the way.



Happy hour and no complaints re the strength of the G&T’s not surprising since it took the whole of a bottle of Gin to make seven drinks; this was followed by Caprihinas (?) consisting of sugar, Cane Spirit, and freshly squeezed lime juice.


We decide to stay aboard this evening and as its Karl and the boys last night we are somewhat “Leave” happy. Dinner, 6 litres of wine and a few beers and the party is going well. I retire in a fit of common sense and while still able and Pim falls asleep in the dinghy. Lars unties it and sets him adrift though fortunately and some time later Frederick notices his and the dinghies absence and strips off and swims out to rescue him.




18112010 Thursday Day 30


Were all up 0700 to see the Karl, Pim, and Frederick off and breakfast. After they leave we all return to our bunks as the previous night’s reverie begins to take its toll.

Most the day is spent the same way, between rising to eat, drinking water, swimming and cooling off in the strong breeze. Its 32.2 degrees today the hottest it’s been, and although blowing there isn’t much draft in my cabin.


Viola, who is much brighter than the rest of us and Uno take the dinghy out of the bay to a small beach. Disaster strikes when trying to land and large surf overturns the boat. Some kids on the beach help them get sorted and they return, but both their Camera and Telephone were soaked and the batteries have shorted, consequently both have ceased to function.


The pair make an excellent hangover lunch, fried potatoes and cabbage, bacon and egg. Lars and I attempt a beer which goes down with a little more reticence than usual. The washing machine has been running so clothes are hung out and all adopt the horizontal once again.


Happy hour has diminished in both enthusiasm and quantity as we sup a beer and consider whether to go into town to eat. Apathy rules, Viola’s not feeling to good (She was far to bright this morning) and we decide to stay aboard.


After dinner, a couple of tins of Goulash, we settle down to a few games of Mexican Train which Shan brought on her last visit. Lars comes first as usual. Then a relatively early night, lets hope we’ve all recovered by the morning !!


19112010 Friday Day 31


I’ve now now got a sore throat and a runny nose and have been cooking in my bunk all night, Lars has got the runs and has spent the night pumping the plumbing though Viola is a little shaky she feels better.


As its my last day I’ve started the packing and have been putting the final touches to the Blog whilst Viola is composing the Swedish version. As we will be sending this one via Wi-Fi we can send the pictures I have sorted out and minimized ready to go.

There is going to be a problem though as someone in  the new crew will have to take over both the English and Swedish version for the next leg to Brazil.


Which brings to mind another problem, we don’t have a curtesy flag for Brazil and there aren’t any Chandelries here, so we may have to find a suitably emblazoned  T-Shirt and get out the scissors and thread to make one.






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