Getting ready for season 2015

Lars Alfredson
Fri 31 Oct 2014 02:08

Opua, NZ



Day one on board. Finally the crew is all here.  Lars, you all know, the other Lars (Lasse), from Swedish waters -- he lives on a houseboat -- and yours truly tonton.

the tasks: taking inventory, shopping for the next 45 days sailing before we leave NZ.


Lasse …. Where is the ice bucket                                                         tonton – good morning (still jet legged)


Now sailing is all technology                                  the 4th passenger or dinner???


Opua is a VERY small town and we had to drive to Kerikeri for our major shopping.  It took us two trips to get it all.  This time tonton caved in and bought baked beans.



Halloween night we spent at the Cruising Club listening about the adventure of the Swedish Legend and her doings in this little town.

 Sanna´s tales are still THE subject at any beer table. 

Yes Sanna.  Marie still enjoys telling the scary experience to the impressionable young children at the witches night.