Rio 15032011 Monday
We’re both a little late stirring and a glance outside to check the weather shows that “Grey Pearl” had already left and is heading south to Ilha Grande. The Plan is to do the “Beaches” in daylight for a change so we catch bus and head for the western end of Copocabana and decide to have lunch before we go to explore the fort on the headland that separates it from Ipanima which we plan to walk to next. The restaurant we pick turns out to be one of three Manuel and Joquim hostelries and as such the “Big” pizza we share is excellent and the beer goes down singing Hymns.
Deep study Odd man Suitably refreshed we set of to the fort only to discover the Army are busy painting everything and it’s closed. Undeterred we set off over the headland to Ipanima and find the park made famous in the song about the “Girl from Ipanima”
Copacabana Ipanema The wind was blowing and had whipped up a big surf that had brought out the Boarders. We eventually stop at one of the beachside Kiosk dispensing snacks and drinks, as well as Coco Verde. This consists of a green coconut which they hack the bottom off so it will stand upright and chop the top off through the husk and the nut making a small hole. Stick in straw and as they are kept refrigerated you have a refreshing cool drink, the addition of a little cane spirit, Cachaca and your away!!
Coco verde Coco Birdie Then it started to rain, so a hasty retreat to the bus station via a little Bar.. nature called and it was better than standing in the bus shelter. We caught the bus little realising it was going in the opposite direction to what we wanted, but out with the trusty map, a lot conjecture and we figured it would eventually get us home. Well we right and we got to see lots of Rio we hadn’t travelled before, the only problem was it took nearly two hours and if you been on the bouncy bus with the a man with a death wish driving its not the most pleasant experience. Now my spine is in terminal compression and with all this walking I’ll be lucky to be a four foot midget by the time I get
back to I knock up a sandwich, we’ll be on TV chefing soon. The phone rings, Thomas had arrived and is sipping Caipirinhas in the Yacht Club, so having feasted we set off to join him. He’s brought lots of computer and telephone gadgets as well as diving gear and several large bags. A few more Caipirinhas while we clear our emails etc with the aid of the his new kit, then back to “Dawnbreaker” for few night caps before retiring.
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