Crew assembled...

Lars Alfredson
Mon 11 Feb 2019 11:26
The crew of five is finally assembled in Pohnpei. As always after an off-season there is so much to do and is keeping them busy in between beers.

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The main electric winch will ne decommissioned for a while so the boys can have their workout to burn off the booth.

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Natalia is the first time onboard and she shared her first impressions ....
“Im scared hahaha so many buttons, haahha I'm used to cheap sailing but i have goood sailors to learn”

She has sailed before with friends of ours, but this time she is the princess onboard and got the VIP cabin all to herself.

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It is spoken quietly, that she will fit in very well and that she enjoys a medical G&T. Three were counted on yesterday’s HH.
Spirits are high and at least there is no snow. Provisioning and setting sail are their next steps. Planned departure later this week.
Blues waters and gorgeous islands ahead.
Safe sailing and fair winds.

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Shore team

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