Rio 16032011 Tuesday

Lars Alfredson
Wed 16 Mar 2011 20:47

Spent the whole day studying the intricacies of Brasilian beaurocracy. We start the day at the

Naval Yard presenting the ship entry permit to the Capitanaria where they refused to sign and

provide a “Saida” or exit permit to clear in and out of  Brasilian harbours in this case  Rio as

the 90 day permit for the ship to stay in Brasil had run out a few days previously.


                                        Navy yard


So the paper chase began. From here we were sent to their main office around the corner to join

a large queue of suffering souls, but to our good fortune and the great respect this country seems

to have for its geriatricy, I was thrust forward as the token pensioner and jumped to the head of the line.


 Our jubilation was short lived as the man who could sign was out. An hour had now passed and

when he did appear he declared we should do a grand tour of the Offices of State, starting with the

“Recita Federal” to get and extension of the Boat entry permit.


After a trip across town we entered a large impressive edifice, where having made our enquiries we

are advised that we would not be allowed up to his office because we were wearing shorts ! After

some discussion and Thomas pulling his shorts down as low as possible without exposing his

rosy cheeks, he was led off into the bowels of the building.


Sometime later he re-emerged to advise us that this is the wrong office and we must go to off to the

“Policia Federal” office on the Docks. A Taxi ride to the Cruise Liner end of the Docks, visitors

passes and we’re in. Half an hour later and clutching a permit for the crew to leave Rio it’s now

down to the far end of the docks another taxi drive away and the “Duane” customs office to get

the extended stay permit for the boat



                                             Empty dock


At a somewhat unimpressive breeze block lump at the Docks entrance we join a group of truckers

waiting to get off the dock. Here we are informed that both Officials who could sign are not here

as they are dealing with a Cruise Liner that had just come in. We learn from the truckers that this

mean they were being entertained with lunch on board and could be some time.



                                       Waiting again                                                                            Custums


One and half hours later, suitably baked in the afternoon Sun, a truck is despatched to pick him up.

The clock ticks on, Thomas returns with a bag of beers to ease the pain and we wait. At last, but

not so fast, there is now discussion about how they can renew something that doesn’t exist (Catch 22)

as the permit has already run out. Impassioned pleas that they could not be renewed before, as it had

run out over the weekend and Carnival period when all offices were closed


We were open came the reply, but  whether it was Thomas’s smooth talking Portuguese or our

distraught looks they went for the sympathetic approach and “Stamp”, were off again and back to square one.


Back at the Capatinaria we hand in the ONLY the original boat exit permit papers we started out with

to see the result. Low and behold these were now accepted without question or a request for any of

our newly acquired paperwork and by 4pm, Mission accomplished it was time for a late lunch and

several beers, not necessary in that order.


Try doing that without Local knowledge and a fluent Portuguese speaker not a hope in hell!


It starts to rain as we head back to the Supermarket to stock up ready for our departure

(now we can leave) to Ilha Grande the following day. We get soaked but Thomas has ordered the G & T’s

as we arrive at the Yacht Club and wait for a break in the downpour. Nightcaps and nibbles then

collapse exhausted from the trials and tribulations of the day. The downpour and winds increase

throughout the night as we slumber oblivious.


Bob the Blog.