Raroia - Makemo

Lars Alfredson
Sun 27 Jan 2013 22:51
Friday the 25th we left Raroi erly in the morning for the 75NM trip to Makemo. We had a nice downwind sail (very nice after 4 weeks of going to windward). We struggled a bit to make it to the pass into Makemo before dark. I hour out we were hit by a big squall with lots of wind and rain. We made it just when it was getting dark.
We were helped by having been there before.
We spent most of the night catching up on the internet. They have a good Manaspot Wifi that reached the boat.
The first time for two weeks that we could connect to internet.
Saturday morning we motorsailed the 25NM inside the lagoon to the NW pass. You have to keep a good lookout for coral heads when sailing in the lagoons.
We anchored next to the pass and as the tide was coming in we did a nice drift snorkling swim from outside the pass in to the lagoon. It feels like flying when you drift past all the beautiful coralls and fishes.
Before dark we went out through the pass for an overnight sail to Fakarava.
All is well,
Lars, Fred and Grete