Aparri and on to Camiguin Island

pos 18:52.80N 121:51.92E
Camiguin Island
Hello again,
And sorry for being away for a few days. Anyway, Lotta & Jontte filled us in on their adventures in Cambodia and Vietnam. We had a walk around town and admired the market and had a few beers. Jontte was a bit ill so he spant the day in bed, however we fed hin and Lotta of course took care of the rest.
On Monday we had a new go at the paperwork, but alas, as so many times befor in this wierd, but lovely country, The Man was not there, but in Manila! Well, we found the customs guy and he got very interested, so interested that he wanted to come and visit. Ok deal,we went back to teh boat, via the beautiful market, and I fetched the guy plus his very young and round colleague. We gave the guys a beer and the boss photographed everything available while chainsmoking and chatting happily.
Later we were visited by three young fishermen who wanted whatever, but got just a 7 Up
and eventually left. Earlier in the morning our friend "the hatman", an old fishermsn who gave us some directions when we went up the river, came up and got about 10 meters of good rope, two old plastic oil canisters and some bits. The man was all smiles in his old fedora. Made me think of old Frankie Boy.
In the evening we went to a resturent recommended by our fried the ginman jus t ouide town and just by an hotel Lotta and Jontte decided to some spend the night in. Watched by a half dozen geccos on the cieling we had a nice dinner and went back to the boat to get an early start with the Philippine bureaucracy. However, arriving at the market where we had our dinghy we spotted a miniscule videoke bar and went in. And we had us a treat. Darryl having had a few beers grabbed the microphone and started "singing" I am sailing, soon joined by the big guy from customs. We have proof of it, and will for sure post it later!
The immigration guy was around, very friendly and explaining that they are going to close the whole office so forget Aparri if you want to have the all imprtant stamps. He also told us we must go to Batanes, though it for sure is not leagal after you clared out. Nice guy.
Then, where is the customs stampman? He was supposed to be herebat eight, but arrived about ten. Havibg gotten some pesos he happily gave us the stamped documents and told us to go to the port authority! Ok, we went and a relic from the first world war got all confused, had all paper coied, including reciept from the market in the Solomons (almost). Them he called Manila and after about half an hour came up with that I had to pay him 280 money. I did't bother to argue that the tonnage fee shoud have been 50% as we had no cargo (see Tobaco) off we went via the market and hoisted anchor at 11.30.
We headed towards one of the closest islands, Camiguin Island, about 30 miles away and after some rocking in quite high seas, with the added suspence of a broken attachment ring for the main sheet, cast anchor and had a nice dinner. In the morning we were boarded by the local coast guard hwo wanted copies, i.e. photos of all docunents passports and had we had charts for sure of them as well. Ok we complied ad eventually sailed away towrds Batanes about 90 miles away.
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