Bahia Relegada to Ushuia

Lars Alfredson
Thu 8 Dec 2011 14:38
08122011 Bahia Relegada to Ushuaia
Departure is delayed while Thomas cooks up bacon and eggs for breakfast and we are able to eat undisturbed on the flat calm waters of the bay.
Anchor up, and after the by now familiar task of kelp cutting as we set off,
Motoring our way out into the Beagle Channel, which unlike yesterday is flat calm. What a difference a day makes!
We pick a signal on the AIS from "Ann Marie" the Danish yacht that came along side us in Puerto Deseado, so we alter course to intercept them as they approach. We meet mid channel and come alongside. Greetings are exchanged and info on both Puerto Williams on the Chilean side where they have just come from and Ushuaia where we are headed and they were previously. Then were on our way again.
It's a nippy 10C but hardly any wind and the further we venture up Channel the mountains rise higher. Though overcast there is a blue patch in the direction were heading. We get phone signal that sends everybody into call mode but unfortunately it doesn't last, so we'll have to be patient and wait until our ETA around 1500 and Ushuaia when we can look forward to phone and Wi-fi being restored.
Bob the Blog
Noon by Satphone