Sailing to Savai'i
20130503 Friday – Cont.
That evening we decide to have a take-away Pizza. Fred & Grete board the dinghy and head off into the night hoping to go ashore near the restaurant.
20 minutes later we hear the sound of an outboard engine and it’s our intrepid travellers. They stop to inform us that they had ended up on a reef mid way across and were nearly swamped by the rollers.
In the confusion Grete dropped the paddle while getting them away from it (It was too shallow for the engine) but rather than face the wrath of Captain Lars (Known to be quick at dishing out the 40 lashes,) had Fred drive back to the reef to recover it.
Docking in the safety of the marina they took a taxi for 3 talers, about
a £1! and they were soon back clutching the most enormous pizza which with a few
glasses of
20131504 Saturday – Island hopping
During yesterday evening we had noticed boats tied to the main dock opposite us had either left of were moored at anchor in the harbour.
In the morning the reason became apparent when we woke to find a gigantic cruise liner tied up in their place and occupying the whole length of the dock and with its size dominating the waterfront.
Breakfast and weigh anchor. The stench was foul as the chain inched upwards covered in and evil smelling muddy goo. We cease operation until the deck wash hose is connected so we can clean off this muck before it comes aboard.
The anchor is finally stowed as we slip out through the reef with a large
wreck sitting on it as a reminder of the danger of these water. We are heading
to the other
After an hour or so we spot the island and several large squalls dumping their load on it. The winds appear, but unexpectedly from the West and were soon making 8+ knots in 14 knots of wind. As the squalls pass in font of us the wind goes up and down changing direction as well.
Arriving at our destination off Matautu Bay we consult all our Charts which show varying degrees of conflicting data (Very few of this islands are accurately charted, if at all!) we work our way through a gap in the reef towards the shore and water shallow enough to anchor in.
Anchoring in 11 metres (The chart says
Having noted the antennae on the beach of a local resort opposite we try to establish Wi-fi contact but although the hotel signal is strong our “Lavaspot” connection is too weak and keeps dropping out.
A swim in 31+ degree seas, a freshwater shower on the stern and were ready for a little light refreshment of the liquid kind before we settle for a few pages of book before dinner.
After the sunset the star burst out filling the night sky, Orion lies on his side, the Plough (Ursa Major) is upside down looking like a shopping trolley according to Fred, and Southern Cross is hard to pick out amongst the millions of others visible in this light pollution free sky.
20130505 Sunday – The Bells
The seas are relatively calm with just slight swell at an angle to wind which coming from the North and has turned us around giving us a rocking motion.
The evening battle with mozzies which had me up at
A shout from the deck, “Squid, quick bring your camera”. There, swimming very near the surface and alongside us in perfect formation, a flotilla of six inch squid. How very unusual. They are spectacular, with iridescent blue spots along their bodies and large black eyes with their rippling fins holding station or all moving them in unison.
Enough Blogging its time for dip !
Bob the Blog.