Puerto Espaniol to Bahia Relegada
Lars Alfredson
Thu 8 Dec 2011 14:36
07122011 Puerto Espanol to Bahia Relegada
Just after we send the Blog I'm on deck and spot something large and red on the shoreline. Lars photographs it with his telephoto lens and it turns out to be the wreck of a yacht up on the beach!
The radio comes to life and we hear the Perfectura call up the yacht between the islands of. and realise he is calling us. Looking on the shore Peter spots a single blue roofed building with a radio mast in the woods over looking Straights, the source of the call. He speaks good English and we exchange formalities and continue on our way.
With the AIS on the chart plotter we watch the progress of the cruise ship "National Geographic Explorer" as she takes on Pilot and the few other ships on passage. As we progress the mountains get higher and the snow fields on their peaks get larger.
Finally we arrive at our destination, a nice sheltered bay behind Puerto Harberton in Bahia Relegada ,where we anchor in flat waters overlooked by snowy peaks.
Its six pm, perfect timing for happy hour!
Bob the Blog