Te Shima Island

Lars Alfredson
Thu 7 Apr 2016 10:58
pos 34:29.43N 134:05.77E
Karato harbour, Teshima.
Thursday the 7th was a rainy day. We motored the few miles between Nao Shima and Te Shima. We wanted to visit some more art things there.
The main attraction was the Teshima Art Museum. The first time I walk into a museum that is absolutely empty! Just some water on the floor. Strange but quite nice in a way.
Our second visit was also strange. "Les Archives du Couer" you walk in to a dark room filled of the sound of a beating heart, there is one small lightbulb that blinks as the heart beats. I ended up walking away with a recording of my own heartbeat.
Back to the harbour we decided to move on to Shodo Shima Island, only an hour away.
All is well,
Lars and crew.