Queilen Harbour
Lars Alfredson
Thu 5 Apr 2012 01:48
April 4th
Great sailing day. Crossed our last open water, Golfo Corcovado, under great reaching SW 25kts of wind, with some wave riding we reached 11.3knt of SOG speed. We are now at our last 90nm leg to Puerto Montt, rafted on a Salmon farm supply ship at Queilen Harbour, a small fishing village with mussels farms.
While preparing dinner and enjoying HH, Pim wento ashore for fresh farmed mussels. Results ... 5kg of mussels for USD3. Not bad. You should see the size of the garlic he bought to steam the mussles in a white wine, cream and garlic sauce. Delicious. Hope we will all be alive tomorrow though they were guaranteed be free of the "Red Tide".
Just had a peak at Bob's unofficial wedding pictures. Congratulations.
Tomorrow off to Castro the largest town in Chiloe Island.
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