Attu and we had fun

Lars Alfredson
Wed 13 Jul 2016 18:28
POS 52:46.156N 173:23.522E

Our stay at Attu Island was great. Although uninhabited island Ivan and Urban run into some people as Urban went for a run "Lena Style".
Attu I is know to have only two sunny days a year. Ee were lucky to be here on both days :)
Turns out they are an environmental cleanup crew to dispose of tar drums left behind by the military during the airstrip construction. Nice bunch of outlaws leaded by Hilary with one L and the most important person Jody the cook.
At hand a doctor, a pilot with his plane and a bomb disposal expert supporting a crew up to 22 people bagging 900 packs of dirt to be shipped to Oregon by barge.
We were invited for breakfast at 08:00 still 04:00 our body watch time. Marvelous bacon, bagels, fruit and losts of coffee. The scandinavian bunch went for a longggg hike.
The camp crew is dismantling the structures as all will br shipped out this week.
After an invite for lunch and some farewell gifts including hydraulic oil for our leaking autopilot we cast off to Kiska Island.

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