
Pos 16:47.12S 179:59.33W
20130705 Friday
A slow day. The Kava drinks had an interesting effect which kept the Heads busy all day. After breakfast we motored up the coast some 9nm and anchored off the small village of Buthalevu between the old and new jetties.
Small Village The old pier.
It's Tonton’s birthday on the sixth, so now were a little confused as we’ve just crossed the International Date Line again. Looks like he might be able to wangle two birthdays!
A quick check that the anchor had set and we swim on towards the reef. The bottom is mainly sand and broken coral and skimming along its surface we spot a 2 foot Stingray which on our approach, stops and tries to bury itself into the sand.
On the reef, Lars picks up a large cowrie shell that was lying upside down On our return to the yacht we do our usual check for life by putting it in a Pyrex dish of sea water and waiting to see if any thing emerges. After half an hour a little arm pokes out so it’s backing the water for him.
the 2nd most ugly boat. Is it a volcano?
Returning for happy hour, we shower and grab our books. Tonton’s on the case and its bar-b-qued steak in a Roquefort cheese sauce and baked potatoes for dinner.
Cooking Cooked
He’s also been busy on the websites and phoned one of the diving companies to pick us up tomorrow and take us out to “Rainbow Reef” which we have been recommended as some of the best diving in the islands.
Bob the blog.