Crossing the line

Lars Alfredson
Tue 12 Mar 2019 14:50
POS 00:17.970S 131:19.940E

Tuesday 12/3, Tanjung Momfafa

We motored most of the night and the morning in nice weather.
When we got close to the Equator we hoisted the sails and approached the line sailing. Photos were taken at 000:00.000 latitide.
Suddenly there was a laud shout and King Neptune rose from the water and demanded to know if all aboard were citizens of his kingdom. After interrogation it turned out that two of the crew were not.
King Neptune then put the two infidels through a thorough initiation procedure.
After being well humiliated and smeared with a wile concoction they had a special drink to seal the deal!
King Neptune then made his new subjects kneel before him. With his tripod he baptized his new subjects to: "Urban the precautiois seafater from Scandinavia" and "Ivan the wealthy Viking from Roskilde".
When King Neptune was satisfied and returned to his underwater kingdom his new subject Ivan decided to join him, diving straight into the sea.
It took us a while to stop the boat and fish our brave Viking out again.

We were now quite worn out and headed for the nearest bay for yje night.

I am sure that pictures will follow soon.