A Blow through
In the afternoon we have a visit from Michel, skipper of the “Vagalam 1” that had bent our stanchion. He is duly poured a glass of wine to ease any sudden shock when we give him the repair bill, which much to his relief is not as bad as anticipated.
Michel not to sad
At dinner, Lars is complaining that the cushion of the table settee has something that is stabbing his nether regions. The good news is that the leather cover can be unzipped to expose the innards. This duly done, the problem is seen to be a “creasing” baton has come unstitched. So it’s Peter to the rescue, sewing it back in place and Lars can now sit in serenity.
The upholstery man
23122011 A Blow Through
Through the night the wind has been increasing and by the morning it’s blowing 40 knots. It’s a chilly southerly gusting to 50+ straight down the channel as well as between the mountains in front of us. Fortunately, we are laying bows to and there are only 300 metres of water between the causeway and us. Even so with the short sea and the wind it gets a little bouncy.
Its “Deep clean” day in readiness for Christmas entertaining. Lars gets window cleaning fever, Peter has his head down the toilet and I get to drive the Hoover and duster. It seems like only yesterday we were doing this. With the wind driving the dust from the causeway, the boatyard sandblasting, as well as the guy and his grinder on a small metal yacht the other side of the jetty loosing the fight against his rusting hulk, it’s a continual battle. “Pledge” versus all comers!.
Window polishing
Peters has gone into mass cooking mode and having been issued with his shopping list we fight our way against the gale and make our way to town and the Office. Thomas has been busy sending us some ships Christmas cards he’s designed and as Blog readers will see they are very nice.
Business concluded we repair to the other Office for lunch. Afterwards, having stopped at the supermarket on the way, we continue to the Laundry to pick up our washing.
As we had to abandon any idea of taking the bikes to carry our shopping and the laundry, due to the wind, it’s a taxi back. Thank goodness, as we have walked from one end of the town to the other and my little legs are getting shorter by the day.
When we get back the other bike is missing from its normal position up against the power feed pole. We assume Peter has gone out on it but when he returns on foot its apparent there is a problem.
As were are often assured by Lars that there is no need to lock them up as no one would steal these rusty relics there can only be one explanation for it’s disappearance, a deep six watery grave!
Where did it go!
Several attempts at dragging the dinghy anchor between the jetty and the hull yields nothing but kelp and a large timber. We decide to wait for low tide and in the morning when we can use the boathook to better effect.
Out for dinner followed by a visit to the Irish Pub bring on “Silent Night” as we retire from another days excitement.
Bob the Blog