La Gomera - Tenneriffa

Torsdag den 4'e oktober
pos 28:01.1820 N 16:36.7550 W
Bob in English below.
Vi lämnade La Gomera på förmiddagen och kom ut i
vindar på uppåt 20 sekundmeter. Vi började med enbart en revad genua och gjorde
10 knop i hög sjö från sidan. Alla blev rejält blöta. Efter någon timme så avtog
vinden och vred 180 grader för att på eftermidagen återigen öka till 15
sekundmeter rakt i näsan. Vi stångade oss runt hörnet på Tenneriffa och kom
slutligen i hamn vid 15-tiden. Då satt lunchen på pasta med chorizo
Igår onsdag bilade vi upp till Tejde i bra väder så
toppen syntes hela dagen. En jättekö till liften för att ta sig upp på toppen
gjore att vi bilade vidare till Puerto de la Cruz och åt en sen
På kvällen en irländsk pub med fotboll, Quiz och
karaoke. Riktigt roligt.
Nu på torsdagsmorgonen har vinden ökat lite och det
ser ut som att vi får rak motvind till Grand Canaria och Puerto Mogan som är
vårt mål idag. Vi misstänker att vi kan få problem med plats där men det får vi
ta då. Solen skiner som vanligt och det blir ytterligare en fin dag på
Varma hälsningar
02102010 Monday Day 16 Up
early and breakfast, there’s no escape and Lars has us yomping like a herd of
Goats up the nearby mountain that overlooks the Marinia. The views were
fantastic and we boldly entered the Parador (Very nice hotels using converted
castles, Monasteries and other historic buildings) that looked like it had been
and old Monastery. Not only the views but the gardens were fantastic with all
sorts of tropical and sub-tropical trees, Cactii and other exotica, each labled
and on show. Pausing for a beer or two and a Tapas lunch we return to the boat
knakkkkkkered. We receive word from a
fellow sailor who had recently arrived from Apparently it was started in
1990’s in conjunction with the Amerilla Golf and Country Club. However the
breakwater was severely damaged by a gale before it was finished, a pattern that
was repeated several times over the following
decade. Work
resumed yet again in 2002 with the breakwater being substantially reinforced
phone call and we manage to book a place for the following
day Then
off to find the Chinese Restaurant we had spotted on our route march around the
town in search of the gas bottle. Success an excellent meal for four with wine,
the best value for money we’ve had to-date and good food
too. Some
music from my I-tunes library on the computer which we plug in the yachts sound
system, its good job we all like the oldies, Roy Orbison, the Eagles and Queen
who along with mandatory nightcap lul us to
sleep. 01102010 Tuesday Day 16 Breakfast and time for departure. Its blowing hard 25kts plus and has
been all night as well as quite overcast. As we haul in the dinghy Lars notices
one of Connies “Crocs” has already set sail having been blown overboard in a
gust and is merrily tacking its way down the marina. A quick relaunch of the
dinghy and the rescue crew are away the haul in the errant
shoe. Departing the dock is a little fraught for those of us untying the boat
and left dockside. The distance
between pontoon and boat increases at an alarming rate resulting in Connie and I
making leaps aboard that would have impressed any Olympian
athlete! As we head out of the
Harbour the North Easterly wind picks up to 35 kts and were doing 12kts on the
heavy headsail alone. A steep sea of around 2 metres is running having built up
in the Gale that has been passing by us to the African coast over the last few
days. When we reach midway between Gamora and By the
time we get to the the tip of Tenerife and start around to the windward side of
the island and our destination the seas build along with the wind but now were
heading directly into it. The now useless sail is wound in and slamming into the
wall of waves that advance towards us we’re gradually grinding to a halt and
only upping the engine revs keeps moving. We advance at a snails pace, 3-4kts
and when not hanging on spend our time ducking from the sheets of spray blowing
over the decks. At
last we arrive and it’s all very peaceful inside the harbour where we are
directed to moor alongside a long pontoon running along the harbour wall. It’s a
bit tight and gap were directed to looks barely 3 feet longer than
“Dawnbreakers” 65feet also there’s still a stiff breeze blowing over the wall.
Lars and the bowthruster do a great job and those magnificent leaping men are on
the pontoon, mooring lines to hand and have it all done and dusted before you
can say “is it time for a beer ?” A walk
to “town” shows it’s a typical Spanish development of apartment blocks, hotels,
small souvenier shops, restaurants, a mini market (with English papers!) and the
inevitable Irish bar. A quick shop .. Brandy, Bread, Butter and a Telegraph
then to the Irish bar for a beer before we wander back.
place appears to be populated mainly by Thomson, Monarch and Easyjet passengers
from the UK and is reflected by the continuous stream of Planes flying into the
airport behind the town and in the menus offering full English breakfasts, Fish
and Chips etc., thought there is a good cross section of alternatives with
Chinese, Indian, Japanese and Spanish menus on
offer. We
pick one overlooking the sea and take our pick of a Spanish restaurant with a
very extensive menu that seems to cover from Curry to Chinese as well for good
measure. Position 28.01’.1820 North 16.36’.75.50 West - Puerto San
Miguel |