Leaving Qaqortoq

Lars Alfredson
Tue 11 Jul 2023 13:21
POS 60:44.911N 46:14.785W

Yesterday one of the local fishing boots came back.
This boat was the same as the Skagen boats, light blue, felt almost as home..
We asked what catch the got, -Cod, the skipper answered.
- Can we buy some ? Jonas and Urban climbed down and we got two nice cods.
-How much ? They were about 2kg, price was 50 dk. We gave them 100.
Will probably be fiskgratäng for dinner.
Prices here are generally a bit higher then Denmark mainland.
Alcohol much higher, a box of wine is 500 dk
We have a good stock from the US and Canada onboard.

This morning we left our dock and went over to the tank station to top up diesel.
600 liter, now Jonas is happy, heater can be run a lot.
We left at 10.00 Target for today is Narsaq, 50 N away.
On Wednesday our plan is to go up the fjord and see the inland glaciers.

Narsaq is the most striking agricultural town in Greenland situated in a fjord system known for hiking, mineral deposits and cowboy history.

Situated in a fjord system known for its abundant whales and seals, hiking, and mineral deposits, Narsaq is also a hub for sheep farming in South Greenland.
