New Hanover

pos 2:27.40S 150:27.47E
Tsoi-Boto Island
Wedensday 25/11
The crew woke up and the morning swim routine swim started. We did some snorkeling around the boat after breakfast but realized that we wanted find a better place. We did a trip for better snorkeling but the visibility was still bad and there wasn´t that many fishes, however we had a lot of visits from boats that wanted to buy fuel. So we decided to move but this time we headed for a nice beach to visit. Lars checked the chart and found a good place with sand bottom.
The afternoon continued with some swimming, reading, sleeping etc. We got some visitors by the local women’s and a lady in charge called Chief Talita, who wanted to trade a water melon to something good. We gave them some kid’s clothes, pencils and Lollipops for the children. After a while we had company from two guys, one named Danny, who wanted to trade coconuts against something good, we gave them two cold beer. When the temperature was ok we took the dinghy to the shore to visit Talita, we meet up with Danny who guided us to Talita´s home. It ended up with a 1,5hour walk along the shore and then on the “main road” in the middle of the island. We didn´t find Talita but we had a good trip and finally when we came back to Danny’s place and the dinge Talita had arrived. Danny gave us a tour to different houses (even if we wondered where everyone lived as we only saw 7 houses), their gardens, the church etc as he knew very good English and he could tell us a lot about the island and how the locals lived. He was the local timber guy and had a very nice house with his family. Interesting is that the schools in PNG are now teaching Pidgin instead of English so it will become harder for us to communicate with them.
We got back just before darkness and now it is time for dinner and some rest.
Jonathan with crew |