Sailing to Mar del Plata, 275M

Pos 38:02.46S 57:32.273W
20102011 Buenos Aires to Mar de
0800 were all up except Peter who went ashore for one last party. Thomas and I set off to the Club in the dinghy for final ablutions and pick up Rodolpho and his son Santiago. It takes three efforts as Thomas has to return for his, towel and the kitty. I return with the new crew, Thomas with the Marinero to untie our mooring lines.
A tug for Shan Casting off
By 0930 were away, mainsail up, wind on the nose as usual, and the motor pushing us along at 8kt (Against the tide the ground speed is reduced to 5kts) through the brown waters of the world’s largest estuary at
1100 Bodies are scattered around the deck taking advantage of the fine weather thought there is a nip in the wind. I decamp to my usual place at the bow and in the company of Mr Bill Tillman read of his exploits in the 50’s down the Horn.
Come 1200 Thomas appears in waiter mode and brings me a beer on his tray! Its hell at sea.
Lunch is served Happy hour
As the Sun begins to set we reach the end of the estuary and turn south, sails now fill and were creaming along at 11kts on beam reach in a reasonable brown sea
Thomas produces lunch, beef bourgeoning, served a la bowl, I produce the wine a cheeky little vintage (were pleased to discover as we have 60 1.5ltr of the same) and we dine at a 30degree angle juggling between glass and bowl.
As the sun lowers in the sky its time for long trousers and a jacket as the air temperature drops, the sea also is getting cooler and the temperature has dropped to 15C degrees. Bolognaise, green peppers and Fusili and another bottle of that fine red as the sun sets and night watches are organised.
A cracking sail which continues through the night as the wind comes around to our stern and with the tide we are making 11kts in gentle sea. We are now goose-winging and going like a train, a cracking sail in perfect conditions.
goose-winging along Stowaway
Yacht Club Harbourmaster
Bob the blog