3'e dygnet på atlanten

Lars Alfredson
Fri 22 Oct 2010 13:48
pos 33:33.475N 14:40.170W
Bob is writing some more detail below
Gårdagen slutade med ännu mera fisk, vi fick ytterligare 2 små tonfiskar så Conny fick ta fram kniven igen. De skall serveras till middag ikväll. På eftermiddagen igår så såg vi 2 st sköldpaddor, undrar vad de lever av här ute där det är över 4 000 meter djupt.
Sedan förra rapporten så har vi motorseglat till 01.00 då vinden kom tillbaka och vi kunde rulla ut G2'an igen och öka farten, det går fortare att segla än att köra med motor. På morgonen fick vi några små regnskurar men solen kom snart tillbaka. Nu på eftermiddagen så har vinden vridit till rakt i näsan och avtagit så nu går motorn igen. Vi har nu 85 distans kvar och räknar med att angöra Porto Santo någon gång i natt. Vi ser nästan inga andra båtar, vi får in dem på sjökortet via AIS-systemet men vi kommer aldrig så nära så att vi kan se dem. Havet ser väldigt rent och fint ut, nästan inget skräp alls och har en underbart fin blå färg. Soluppgångar och solnedgångar är jättevackra (som vanligt). Idag är vattentemperaturen 23.9 grader och i luften c:a 25.
Varma hälsningar från
Bob's blog: Thusday cont.:
As Anders writes up the Blog and we transfer my efforts via memorystick to the the Download before we send it over the Imarsat satellite phone network. The wind has died totally and Lars downloads another Grib windfile which shows us heading into a Low Pressure system though winds are still only 5+ kts backing to the south, at least that will stop me falling out of my bunk!
Then the by know familiar zip of the line running out, yes one more Atlantic Bonito as we have now correctly identified and then another and then even before we finish paying out the line another ..Fishmonger Conny is working overtime.
As dinner has already been planned its decided to save our catch for a fresh fish feast tomorrow night as we dine on cornbeef hash with a cheeky little Merlot/Cabinet red.
At 2130 we pass the 200nm to go mark and an ETA of 1Day 10hrs.
22102010 Friday Day5
With the ideal sailing conditions its decided to change the shift patterns with one man on at a time and two hour watches. I start with 2300 to 0100 relieved by Anders.
Last night at dinner Conny makes a presentation to me of an LED Headlight and with its aid I can continue to read my book which is a a real page-turner
0100 Andeers comes up and during his watch the wind comes up enough to turn off the engine, set the sails and fly along at 9-10 kts on a port tack which put me firmly against the hull and removes any fears of falling out of my as we heel over at 10-15 degrees. With new found silence all is quiet except for the rush of the sea along the hull and the occasion crash when we bury the bow as the seas get up in the stiff 20kts
0700 Back on watch and the wind has been veering with the promised southerly turning more southwesterly. The sunrise is hidden in the clouds and we run into intermittent light rain showers. At about ten we hit a real downpour which shows bright green on the radar as it passes overhead. Then the cloud starts to break into patches of cumulus and the sun is out.
1100 we pass the 100 miles to go we celebrate with a coffee break, a little cake and some Beatles and Elivis to help the digestion. We keep altering course to try and maintain speed but finally at 1130 the wind drops and its back on with the engine and back on course.As we now upright out its time to bring my netbook on deck and get on with the days Blog. In the meantime I have finished my book and handed it over to Lars, I'm still adding to the crossword , who knows I could finish it by the time we make landfall .. do they sell the Telegraph on the lttle island of Puerto Santo.
As we pass by the Seine Seamount which rises from 4160 metres beneath us to within 86 mtrs of the surface, a brief word on the Island ofPorto Santo, described in the Pilot book as a poor relation to Madeira due to its much smaller size of 11km by 6km = 41SQkm (barely 5%) and much of that is its greatest feature, sandy beach. Its arid climate making it totally difference in appearance and character. The highest summit (Volcanic) is Pico do Facho at 516metres. As Maderia has no beaches to speak of, locals crowd the ferries on the weekend to take full advantage of the islands main asset such as the 6.5km beach at Baia de Porto Santo. Positioned at about 32.60N-16.17W
1325 UKT Position 32.41'.4383N 016.45'.9082 SPEED 6.2 Kts Distance to go 89.2nm ETA 14Hours 52minutes Distance to date 490nm Average speed 6.8kt