Pohnpei Cousine

Lars Alfredson
Mon 11 Feb 2019 20:15
Traditional food practices are still strong here, but because it's a more metropolitan place, there are tons of restaurants. You can eat all kinds of food in Pohnpei: Japanese, Korean, American, Filipino, and more. And it's a good place to find sakau (a.k.a. kava), if you're into that sort of thing.
There are no fast food restaurants in town. You want a quick bite there are street vendors that offer a cheap takeout meal. Mostly chicken parts I don’t recognize.
Countless small restaurants of regional cuisine and Japanese, Asian and Chinese influence make up for the best choices in town. Some great places with curry menu and a favorite Micronesia Sashimi - a spiced marinated version of this Japanese classic.
The marina restaurant is a
limited Japanese menu and boring, good for drinks and appetizers, french fries most of the time.
Bread fruit one must be desperate to eat. Just terrible.
Bad news for the natives. A shift in dietary patterns from indigenous, high fiber, healthy local food to energy-dense, imported food with low nutritional value, and increased sedentary lifestyles are expediting the health risk.