Caleta Horno

Lars Alfredson
Mon 7 Nov 2011 12:16
06112011 At Sea bound for Caleta Horno
After a lunch of Shepherds Pie we settle down to crosswords, books or sorting out computer problems. The seas are glassy smooth but there is just enough wind to keep us sailing. Even though were down to 4kts were in no hurry as we would prefer to make landfall in daylight and in these conditions its easy sailing.
We come across a raft of birds getting excited, when we see what its all about, A group of seal are fishing and they are taking advantage of fish that are driven to the surface. Then back to relaxing until the next event, happy hour and the music is on. After enduring Thomas's head bangers choice we revolt and we wind down to Lynard Skinnard followed by a sultry soothing Nora Jones.
As the sun sets, Thomas demanding wine for cooking is preparing the evening meal though it becomes obvious that there is more going in to the cook than the cooking.
He concedes this is perfect music for his freshly prepared onion soup and offers to provide a candle-lit dinner to match the mood ! We are getting worried about him.
Dinner over we consult charts to check the anchorage then we contact the Camerones Coast Guard to report our position and ETA. I'm on first watch at 2200 until 2400 then off until 0600 by which time we should be anchoring.
07112011 Caleta Horno
We approach our destination in thick fog. With the radar on, we consult the chart which although the latest is pretty ancient being the last survey dated 1927 and marked in fathoms and my telephone ? yes I have the South Atlantic and Falklands chart on my HTC and its better that the ships nav equipment which doesn't have much detail.
The entrance is a 100metres crack in the rock that leads into the creek. As we work our way gingerly we spot the coast line and feel our way in. The sun is gradually burning off the fog and as we drop anchor at 0700, it pops over the top of the crags and the mist disappears.
There are the signs of previous visitors with the ships names painted onto the steep red rocky sides. More usefully rope loops around various outcrops have been left, providing convenient mooring points to secure shore lines.
After a breakfast of scrambled egg, bacon and a rum anchordram, Lars and Peter run ashore to secure a line to one of these loops. It's low tide and Peter has to make a precarious scramble over the green slime and barnacle covered exposed rocks to reach the mooring loop high up on the cliff. Mission accomplished they return.
Horno means "Oven" and this is an anchorage surrounded by brown rock and baked earth. Described as a "Spectaculary safe anchorage", it is well used by yachts heading to and from the Falklands or Tierra del Fuego.
Bob the Blog 0900/07/11/2011