More Fukuoka

Tuesday the 15th.
After studying the brochures we had decided to go to Yanagawa, an old town south of Fukuoka. The main attraction is a punting tour around the old canals.
We set out from the Marina and walked to our local underground station (20 min), took the underground to Tenjin station (20 min) then changed too the Nishitetsu train that took us south to Yanagawa. The trip was supposed to take 47 min but in our case it took about 2 hours. When we had about 10k left there was an accident, the train run over something or somebody. We never really found out. We saw fire brigade and other people running around. Aftet a long wait we were bussed to our destination.
Soon we were on a tranquil punting trip along the canals. It was a nice sunny day, the cherry trees were blossoming and we enjoyed ourselves.
In our ticket there was a lunch with local specialities. We went to this very Japanese restaurant, put on our slippers (one size fits all, in my case they ended long before my heals), we were escorted to a small room with paper doors that were closed around us.
The local speciality turned out to be eel. Karl had some reservations to start with (old story) but it was really nice. We enjoyed our lunch and then walked around the town looking at old shrines and tourist shops in equal proportion.
We were not back on the boat until after dark.
Wedensday was work on the boat day. As both my autopilots have been out of commission for a couple of weeks thar was the main consern for me and Karl.
We spent most of the day fiddling with electrics and hydraulics to get one working autopilot of two malfunctioning. In the end, after lots of reconnections I think we have solved it. I need more hydraulic oil to be sure. That's on tomorrows shopping list.
Late afternoon we took a walk around our local surroundings and later continued in to Fukuoka with the underground for a very nice buffet dinner. I tried lots of different japanese dishes that I could not distinguish. Very nice it was. This was the last meal together for us.
Thursday morning at 07.00 it was time to walk with Karl and Anna to the station. They are going to Tokyo for two days before they fly back to Sweden. Aftet a big hug we parted our ways. Don't know when they will be back, they got something growing that will pop out in august. Good luck! Thank you both for our month togethet.
I now have a few days before Ivan and Lone arrives. There is plenty of work and repairs to do on Dawnbreaker. The spring have arraived and the shorts are on.
All is well,
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