Tonton signoff for the season

Lars Alfredson
Fri 20 Apr 2012 20:23
Getting out of here was not easy. High season in Europe took the fares to skyrocket. Lars managed to fly out on the 26th and I luckily got a ticket for tomorrow the 21st - business class of course -- turned out to be cheaper than paying for all my luggage. Amazing what one collects over 16 mos, specially the Antarctica gear not to be used in the near future.
Yesterday we had a seal hunting sardines around our boat. What a spectacle it was. A joy to our G&T less happy hour. Yes, we managed to run out of Tonic a week ahead of schedule. But are preparing a lot of caipirinhas on cachaca rich "Happy Taurus" yacht.
We met a great couple, professionals sailors on an "Italian Boat" as they became to be known in the marina. We have been invited to dinner at their 80ft sail yacht and very well feed by Chef Elise. Of course wine and I must say in excess since there seems to be a plan to convince me to sail with them to French Polynesia while Lars takes his grandson break. Tonite as usual we were invited again, with another french couple that just returned from Easter Island.
Dawnbreaker looks sparkling clean and has this fresh pine scent in the air. A change after being with 6 beer drinking guys to Antarctica.
Lars is starting to study the next leg, taking into consideration the restrictions or limitations of cyclone season in the Pacific. Shortly the new sail plan will be posted.
I am looking forward to go home and file my 2011 Income Tax report - Sureeeeeeee!
Well my readers, thank you very much for your readership and loyalty, and specially for keeping us at the top position at mailasail blogsite, to the dismay of our great sailing friends Mina2.
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